Friday, January 24, 2020

Lessons from Hewlett-Packard Case Essay -- corporate spying, hp corpora

Hewlett-Packard Corporation plays an important role in the Information Technology products. In the report, it will choose two of the issues which are related to each other from the Hewlett-Packard troubles list. The first issue is the congressional federal did research to the corporate spying and pretexting in 2006. The second issue is about Mark Hurd, who was the president and CEO in HP, was accused of sexual harassment and did illicit business which conduct that he is short of judgment. First, the report begin with identify the moral problem which combine with some relevant background information which can let the reader better understand the situations. Next part, the report will definitely point to point analysis two of the issues related with the moral problem which are covering in the organizational behavior, so that reader can deeply understand and interpretation the problems. At last, finding the feasible ways and establishing the clear effectiveness solutions are the importa nt steps to pull HP Corporation through the downturn. The purpose of this report is using organizational behavior knowledge to comprehend and solve the HP workers’ moral problem. â€Æ' In the report, the first issue describe Hewlett-Packard Corporation was involved into an investigation of spying and pretexting by a congressional federal. According to Hyatt (2007), Patricia Dunn, who was the chairwoman in HP, illegally obtained the private phone records and some of the employee’s information which using the pretexting method led to HP corporation internal leaks. In the second issue, in his article, Hurd on the Street, Booth (2010) describes Mark Hurd, who was the chief executive officer in HP, was got fired on account of intentionally faked financial sta... ... Works Cited Barnard, J. (1992). Successful CEOs Talk about Decision Making. Business Horizons, 35(5), 70-74. Sheeder, F. (2006). If you Find Yourself in A Hole, Put Down the Shovel. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 8(6), 51-52. Booth, R.A. (2010). Hurd on the Street. Regulation, 33(4), 2-4. Collins, D. (2006). Five Levees for Improving Ethical Performance. Strategic Finance, 88(1), 19-21. Gebler, D. (2006). Creating an Ethical Culture. Strategic Finance, 87(11), 28-34. Hyatt, J. (2007). Lessons from Hewlett-Packard. Board Leadership, 2007(90), 6-7. Ostapski, S.A. & Pressley, D.G. (1992). Moral Audit for Diabco Corporation. Journal of Business Ethics, 11(1), 71-80. Priem, R. L., Walters, B. A., & Li, S. (2011). Decisions, Decisions! How Judgment Policy Studies Can Integrate Macro and Micro Domains in Management Research. Journal of Management, 37(2), 553-580.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Eating disorders and healthy eating Essay

Men make up 10 to 15 percent of the population with anorexia and bulimia, but are the least likely to seek help due to the gender stereotypes surrounding the disorders. a. Almost half of people in the United States personally know someone with an eating disorder, that half of the people in the class room know someone that has an eating disorder. b. Packing lunch , choosing restaurants wisely and keeping nutritious snacks on hand are just a few of the ways you can still manage to eat something and stay healthy at the same time. c. I would like to tell you more about healthy eating and what eating disorders and the effects are , how you can find out if some one you know has them and recognizing the symptoms d. What are the three types of eating disorders A. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa and over eating Anorexia is a pathological fear of gaining weight leading to bad eating patterns, malnutrition, and u sually excessive weight loss and refusal to maintain a healthy weight. 1. When the person sees them self in the mirror they see extremely fat person, and to everyone else extremely skiny Bulimia is repeated binge eating followed by behaviors followed by purging to avoid weight gain 2. Taking laxative is also one the behaviors that people will take on to be able to lose the weight and be skinny Over eating is constantly eating without boundaries and past the appropriate amour of food or eating past the point of fullness 3. Some reasons are Boredom , anxiety and stress or even to please someone. B. Effects of eating disorders Treatments of eating disorders 1. Weight loss, fatigue, fainting, thin hair and nails Dehydration, menstrual irregularly, heart problems, took damge The worst one of all death Some therapy to talk about why the eating disorders is present and help the patient though it. 1. Most of the times eating disorders are issues that have gone untreated; and a way for people to feel like they have control over their lives. Medication that increases hunger for some and suppresses hunger for others

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Gay Marriage Should Be Legal - 1494 Words

Over the last couple of years things have changed around the world, the things that I am talking about would be the people and how they make themselves appear. We were all born different, we don’t think the same, we don’t ack the same, and we all do different things. One of those things is who we fall in love with, or whom we think is attractive. Some people when they are born may be a male and is attracted to females, also a male can be attracted to males; a female can be attracted to females. They are allowed to be attracted to the same sex or the different sex. In the United States they passed a law were gay marriage is now allowed in all 50 states, which many people have an issue with, but what is it around the world. What do all of†¦show more content†¦Among American men, nearly 6 percent reported being virgins, while 4 percent of British men reported never having had sexual intercourse. Among women, the figures were 5 percent for Americans and 3 percent f or Britons.† (Harm) 19 percent of American men said they only had one sex partner during their lifetimes, as compared with the 21 percent of Britons had. 32 percent of American women reported having only one sex partner, while 40 percent of the British women reported having had only one sex partner. †¨So as you can see Europe wasn’t a huge difference when it came to how many partners they had but they didn’t sleep around as much. The differences in all of the sexual activity may explain some of the disparity. There is strong evidence that the risks of contracting a sexually transmitted disease are closely associated with the number of sexual partners, â€Å"The increase of the risk is dramatic as the number of sex partners rises, he said.†¨Ã¢â‚¬  (Harm) People are told to wait till you find the one or not to always sleep around because you can get a disease, try to wait till you found the one and get married. I found a study that told about how people felt if they didn’t wait till marriage. Our public health may be the high price we pay for our public opinion. Many people think Oh its just sex it will be okay. †¨The study found that while 25 percent of American men feel that pre-marital sex is wrong, only 8 percent of British men held such an